
Hey there! My name is Agustín.

I am a husband, father of two, and an Orthodox Christian. By education, I am a theologian (nothing fancy, just a B.A.), and by profession, I am a high school teacher. Books are my favorite companions (second to my wife), coffee is my best friend (also second to my wife), I love Mass, and I love praying the rosary (and I love my wife).

I’m glad you’ve chosen to stop by and check out my publication, Orthodox Pilgrim, and I hope you’ll find something enriching as you peruse through my writing.

What can I expect from Orthodox Pilgrim?

With a teaching day-job and a family of very little humans, personal writing time is often limited. In addition to that, I began Orthodox Pilgrim at a bit of a slow-pace intentionally, choosing to focus less on production and more on personal time to reflect on and craft my words. All that to say my writing is currently spaced out a bit. My goal is to publish something at least once a month, but in my current season I’ve found even that to be difficult. With any luck, I may eventually work my way to that monthly — and Lord-willing I might even get to publishing two or three times in a month.

Expect every piece of writing to be under 1,000 words: a self-imposed rule inspired by a college professor of mine who once said, “If you can’t say it in ten minutes, you can’t say it in forty.” 1,000 words is my proverbial “10 minutes.”


At the moment, there is no paid subscription, so all my content will be accessible at no cost. However, by subscribing you’ll get each newly published pieces sent directly to your email (you can opt out of these emails as a subscriber if you’d like). And more importantly, you’ll be helping me grow my audience which is greatly appreciated!

You can also support the publication by sharing it with others or by pledging to become a paid subscriber in the future. The goal is to turn on paid subscriptions soon(ish), likely at the start of 2024 (more info to come). No money will be charged for pledging until paid subscriptions are turned on, but seeing a reader commit to paying for my work is huge even if I don’t get any of the money yet.

Final note: In addition to reading new pieces via email if you subscribe, you always have the option of reading on the Substack website or the Substack mobile app where you can also keep up with my Notes and Discussions (coming soon!) as well as posts.


I pray that both my soul’s meditations and the words I write may be acceptable in God’s sight; and I hope that you may be enriched by the lowly words of a lowly pilgrim striving to walk in the way of the righteous. By God’s infinite mercy may we, together with all his saints, attain to the everlasting life that awaits the broken, contrite, and humble servants of God.

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Reflections on Orthodox theology and quotidian life.